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AW311202 03 2 GO SMART
Mood swings are normal if they occur occasionally. But if mood swings often occur and to disrupt personal life, there is a possibility this condition is associated with mental health disorders, namely bipolar disease. Mood swing is a change in mood (mood) that is clearly felt or visible. Basically, these mood and emotional changes can occur occasionally and this is not caused by certain disorders. But if you interfere with daily activities or accompanied by other signs, mood swing is suspected as a symptom of a mental disorder. Mood swing caused by a mental disorder is difficult to heal on its own. Without medical treatment, often the patient's condition becomes worse. Patients with mood swing can undergo counseling sessions, and after the causes are known, the doctor will provide treatment, both with psychotherapy and medication
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Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signs and processes supporting themselves with objects that do not have them, either because they have died or because they do not have these functions and are classified as inanimate objects.

CIE..!! CARI IN AKU YAH '''''''

 copyright every time is fuck...!!

Become a university that excels in economic and business education and becomes a center for research and community service in the fields of economics and business based on global insights in an effort to produce graduates with personality, integrity and professionalism.

Source: Google news